Click on Insurance on the Sidebar Menu. Then click on the small down arrow to the right of the Downloads Icon and Choose Ameritas.
The Ameritas data feed is obtained from the Ameritas Producer Workbench website. Before running the download, the download module must be activated. Contact Client Marketing Systems, Inc. at 800-799-4267 (Sales Department) to get the FREE activation key.
Obtaining The Data Files
The data files are downloaded from Ameritas Producer Workbench. If you have any questions about the steps below, please contact Field Technology at 888-331-2714 for assistance. To obtain the data files from Ameritas, please follow these steps:
2. | At the Account Login, enter your User ID and Password. |
3. | Under Quick Links select Client Reporting System. |
4. | Select a Query --Choose Miscellaneous Queries. The Query Type will automatically become Advisors Assistant Download. |
5. | Select Agent/Agency/TPA and select the level of information. |
6. | Click on the Save to File Button. |
7. | The file download window will come up. Choose Save and select the location to save the file. (Remember the location.) If you change the file name, be sure you do not change the CSV extension. You will need to know the file name and location later in the process. |
8. | Once the file is downloaded, process the file into Advisors Assistant. |
Your First Time Processing
If this is your first time processing, please email our technical support ( to set up a time for us to help you and give you some tips with your first download. If you leave a Voice Mail, mention that this is a Ameritas first download.
Processing The File
To process the file you just downloaded, follow these steps:
1. | Be sure you have a recent backup of your database because you will be making global changes to it. |
2. | On the Advisors Assistant Sidebar menu, click on Insurance. |
3. | Click on the small arrow next to the Downloads Icon and choose Ameritas Download. |
4. | If you see an Alert Message, please read it. We use these messages to provide important information from time to time. |
5. | You may see a message that you need to update program information. Click OK to accept the data. You will get this on your first download. This is data concerning new plan codes, etc. and may be updated from time to time. It will only take a few seconds to download. |
6. | Click the Retrieve Data Files Button. |
7. | Navigate to the file you saved from the web site. |
8. | The file(s) will be imported and processed. |
Please review the Help Topics in the See Also section below and the Help Button on the UNIFI Main Download Screen (Where the Retrieve Files Button is located) for important information.
Technical Support For Ameritas Producer Workbench Website
For UNIFI Technical Support concerning the web site or the data in the files, please call Field Technology at 1-888-331-2714 or email Please be specific about your question so Field Technology can respond properly.
Technical Support For Operating The Download Program
Once you click on Retrieve Data Files, you are using Advisors Assistant and you will want to call our normal Technical Support at 800-643-4488.
See Also
Download Main Module Screen
Automatically Adding Names
Adding / Matching Insurance Plans
End of Process Report

Be sure to let us walk you through your first download. You can make an appointment with our Tech Support at