Converting Associated Files To Imaging Assistant

From Advisors Assistant's Admin Menu, click on Copy Files To Imaging Assistant.


You can convert your files which are already associated with clients in Advisors Assistant and COPY them to the Imaging Assistant archive. Files will still be available for viewing before they are converted.  Imaging Assistant keeps track of whether the file is in it's archive or just an associated file.

However, once a file is converted, the converted version of the file will be the one that is viewed.

Nothing Is Erased, Changed, Or Deleted

This process does not remove any files from their current location on your hard drive or your network.  It makes a copy of each file and sends it to Imaging Assistant document server.  You can then leave the files on the drive, copy them to a CD or DVD or just delete them.  This is up to you.  We recommend copying them to a location off of your network before deleting them.

You Can Convert Multiple Times From Multiple Stations

The conversion routine can be run more than once just in case you have files associated on multiple stations C Drives.

Drive C files on one station are not available for viewing on other stations because they will look at their own local C drive for the file rather than the station where the file is installed.

When you run the routine on each station, it will scan the Advisors Assistant database for any unconverted files.  If it finds the file, it will copy it to the Imaging Assistant document server.  If it does not find the file, such as one that is located on another C Drive or one that was manually deleted, it will just skip the file.

If you have not stored any associated files on C Drives, you only need to convert ONE TIME!

Any future requests to view the files, once they are converted to Imaging Assistant, will retrieve the file from the document server.

Administrator Required

A user designated as an Advisors Assistant administrator must perform this function.  This action would normally be performed once per system unless files are stored on local workstations.  Then you would need to also perform the task on any workstation storing files which were not accessible from the location where you ran the conversion routine.

For example, if files were stored on the C drive of a workstation, they would not normally be available to other workstations, so you would need to perform the task on any workstation which has Advisors Assistant associated files on their C drive.

How To Convert Associated File Links to Imaging Assistant

Conversion is easy and can be done at any time. Be sure that your Advisors Assistant database is backed up prior to performing this function because the only way to reverse it is to restore a backup.

You should also backup your Imaging Assistant database and archive.  For information about backing up Imaging Assistant, click HERE.

From the Advisors Assistant Main Menu click on Admin.

1.Click on Copy Files To Imaging Assistant.
2.Verify that your Advisors Assistant is backed up by clicking OK.
3.Click on Start Conversion.

Time To Convert

The time to convert can be several hours.  It depends on the speed of your network (how fast the files will copy) and the number of files, the speed of the computers and disk drives involved, and the size of the files.

You can figure on 500 to 1,000 files per hour.

See Also


During the Imaging Assistant trial period, you cannot convert associated files because if you return the program, you would not be able to view them.  There is no reversal of this process.