Multi Period Report List

This screen shows the list of reports available for the multiple periods.  These reports look best when run for 3 or 4 periods.  If you choose 3 periods, leaving the 4th blank, the report will automatically reformat the column widths.

Three Types of Returns

Each report format shows a particular type of return.  The formats are duplicated so that only the return calculation changes.

The types of returns are:

Time Weighted
Dollar Weighted
Return On Investment (ROI) also called Percentage Gain.

Column Headings

You can sort by the column headings by clicking in the heading area of the column.


This is a brief description of the report.  It begins with the type of calculation so you can sort by the column and see all of the different variety of reports for the same calculation together.


Read the comments as they provide some insight into how to use the report and what the author had in mind when designing it.

Last Changed

By sorting on this column, you can see reports which were recently added or changed.  Click until the latest change date is at the top of the list.


Unless you purchased the optional Advanced Report Designer (IT knowledge needed.), this column will show SYS because the report was distributed with the system.

Report ID

Each report in Advisors Assistant has a unique Report ID.  ID's below 100,000 are distributed with Advisors Assistant and they will be changed from time to time with updates.  ID's above 100,000 are those designed on site or custom reports we provided.  These are never changed by updates.


By highlighting a report and clicking on the Down Arrow in the center of the screen, you can put a report on your Favorites List.  Each users has their own list.

Management Fees and Expenses

These reports show a Fees and Expenses line, but the line is suppressed if there are no fees in any period.  Management fees and expenses are included in the Withdrawals value, so they are broken out at the bottom of the list.

The reason they are considered a withdrawal is that the funds are taken out of the account to pay the fee.

See Also