Pop-Up Calendar

Click on the Down Arrow Button next to any date field to open the "Pop-up Calendar."

When entering dates into Advisors Assistant, you can enter the dates manually (you just type in the date) or you can click on the Down Arrow Button (List Button No Underline) to pop-up a calendar and select a date.

It takes just one click to choose a date!

It takes just one click to choose a date!

Choosing A Date

To choose a date with the pop-up calendar, click once on the Down Arrow Button and then click once on the desired date.


Click once on the Today Button to enter today's date into the date field.


Click once on the Clear Button to enter a blank date into the date field.

Changing The Year

Click on the Year Field to change the year.

Picking a new year

Picking a new year

Changing The Month

Click on the Month Field to change the month with a drop down list.

Chosing a different month

Chosing a different month

Remember, just click once!