Add Policy Wizard - Benefits and Deductibles


From the View Client With Insurance Screen, click on the Add Action Button to start the Add Policy Wizard.  This screen is Step 2.

Add Policy Wizard - Benefits and Deductibles Overview

Now that the Class of Coverage is established, the wizard will help you put in the benefits for the Base Coverage.


Click on the underlined fields below for a definition of the term.

Life Benefit Fields

Benefit or Death Benefit

This label may change based on the Class of Coverage.  For life insurance, it will show Death Benefit, but for other classes of coverage, it may just indicate benefit.



Benefit Mode

This refers to how the benefit is paid.  In the case of life insurance, it may be a lump sum.  In the case of disability insurance, it may be Monthly Income.

Benefit Option

This field will not appear on all screens.  Click in the field to drop down the list.

Disability Benefit Fields

These fields only appear if the class of insurance is Disability Income.  Fill in the numeric amounts.  Where the field has a down arrow, click on the field and choose from the list.  In the case of lists, the lists may only be edited if you have have rights to add to the list.

Benefit Mode

Accident Benefit

Sickness Benefit

Accident Benefit Period

Sickness Benefit Period

Accident Elimination Period

Sickness Elimination Period

Annuity Benefit Fields

Payout Mode

Death Benefit Option

Surrender Period

Health Benefit Fields

Maximum Benefit

Benefit Mode

Benefit Period

Individual Deductible

Family Deductible

Deductible Maximum

Long Term Care Fields

Benefit Mode

Benefit Period

Individual Deductible

Family Deductible

Deductible Maximum

P&C Fields / Other Forms Of Coverage

Benefit Amount

Benefit Mode

Benefit Period


Deductible Maximum

This field may or may not apply to many P&C coverages, but can apply to undefined classes of insurance.


Not all fields offered for a particular class of insurance may pertain to the type of policy or coverage you're entering.  Just ignore those fields.