Default Manager Rate Table

Unlike the producer rate tables which have only 1 level, manager rate tables have 4 levels.  This means that Advisors Assistant only looks for Manager Level 1 rates when you enter a person's name on the Modify Coverage Screen into the Manager 1 field.  It does NOT look for rates in Manager 2, 3, or 4 rate tables.

If you want all manager levels to be the same, and allow associates to enter manager names in any manager field, you will need to be sure you ALWAYS fill in all 4 manager tables and make them identical.

Default Rate Tables can be used to save hours of data entry.

When calculating commissions, Advisors Assistant first looks for a rate table assigned to a specific manager by name. If it finds that table, it uses it. If it does not find that specific rate table, it will use the Default Rate Table by the same Table Name.

For example you have 5 managers. 3 of the managers all have the same rate structure and two managers have a special deal.

With Default Rate Tables you would only need to enter 3 rate tables rather than 5 (one for each manager) for the example above.