Match Existing Accounts Wizard Step 3

This wizard step follows Step 2 of the wizard.


This step is designed to give you a chance to change your mind.


Overlapping Transactions

When you match an account that contains duplicate investments (based on the symbol and CUSIP,) Advisors Assistant will combine the two investments into one investment.

If the same transactions are in both assets, you will have duplicate transactions and they will be automatically reconciled when the next position is received.  However, they will create cash flows and affect Rate of Return.

When you create this situation (matching two accounts with the same investment) it is very important that you inspect the transactions by sorting them in date order to make sure there are no duplicates.


See Also


Be very sure before you type the word Match and click Finish.  The only way to reverse this process is to either manually reenter the account information and transactions or restore a backup.