Add/Modify Coverage Benefits

From the View Policy With Coverages Screen, click on the Add Action Button and then the Benefits Tab. If the  coverage already exists highlight the coverage, click on the Modify Action Button and click on the Benefits Tab.

Coverage Benefits Overview

The information on this Coverage Benefits Screen is copied from the Core Benefits that get set up under the Master Coverage Plan.  The Core Benefits are only used as a starting point.  Once they are copied, they "live" in the coverage record and you can make changes here without affecting the Core Benefits.

Think of the Core Benefits as the Master and what's listed here as the actual benefits.

This section usually pertains to health insurance and may be left totally blank if you don't feel it applies.

Modify Benefit Button

When the grid is copied from the Core Benefits, it may not exactly fit the plan.  You can make changes to any benefit by highlighting the benefit and clicking on the Modify Benefit Button.

Add Benefit Button

Click on the Add Benefit Button to add a new benefit to the grid.  This will not affect the Core Benefits in the Master Coverage Plan.

Delete Benefit Button

You can delete a benefit from the list by highlighting the benefit and clicking on the Delete Benefit Button.This covers the names of all the people or entities involved with the policy.  It includes Owner, Insureds, Payors, Beneficiaries, Producers (agents), Managers, and the Underwriter.


See Also



The screen will be blank if you don't have any benefits set up under the core benefits.  You set up core benefits by clicking on Insurance in the Side Bar Menu and then clicking on Plan Lookup.  Modify the Plan on the list and click on the Core Benefits tab.