Commission Due Calculation Results-Transactions

This screen follows the Calculate Commissions Due process. Click on the Transactions Tab.

Calculated Transactions Overview

While calculating commissions, Advisors Assistant analyses the calculation results.  This screen shows  the Transactions that were calculated, Errors that prevented the calculation, and Warnings which did not prevent the calculation.


This screen is useful when calculating for a smaller segment of your book of business by using the Calculate Commissions Due Filter Screen.  Click on the column headings to sort the transactions.

Recalculate Button

Clicking on Recalculate will take you back to the Calculate Commissions Due Screen.

Post Button

This is a shortcut to the Post Commissions Screen and is the same as clicking on the Exit Button and then clicking on Post from the Commissions Sidebar Menu.

Distribution Button

Clicking on Distribution will show you exactly how the highlighted commission transaction was generated and distributed to those paid either by the Agency or by the Company directly. It takes you to the Modify Commission Distribution Screen.

Export To Excel Button

Use this button to export to an Excel Spreadsheet.  Be sure you don't have too much data for some of the older versions of Excel.

Fix Calculation Problem Button (Not Available)

The Transaction Screen shows only successful calculations.  The other two tabs, Errors and Warnings, use this feature.

See Also


Use the Excel Export to manipulate the data as only Excel can do.