Maintain FlexField Labels

From the Admin Menu select Maintain FlexField Labels. You must have been given access to FlexField Labels to modify them.

Maintain FlexField Labels Overview

You can change the labels at any time for FlexFields from the individual contact, insurance, and investment screens on which the FlexFields appear.

The FlexField Labels Lookup Screen gives you access to all of the different FlexField Label Types in the entire Advisors Assistant database so that you can change many different FlexField Labels in one place.


How To Modify FlexField Labels

1.Click on Admin | Maintain FlexField Labels.
2.From the FlexField Labels Lookup Screen, first select the FlexField Type you'd like to modify (Contact, Coverage, or Investment.)
3.Highlight the Master Code of the labels you'd like to modify.
4.Click the Modify Button.
5.Make your changes to the FlexField Labels and click OK to save your changes.


See Also