Personal Contacts Wizard Page 1

From the Tools Menu click on Personal Contacts Wizard.

Personal Contacts Wizard Overview

When you're adding a note to Advisors Assistant, you can track if that note came about from a personal contact with a client or prospect. The Personal Contacts Wizard allows you to print a report of the people who haven't had a Personal Contact within the time period you specify.

The definition of Personal Contact is up to you, but it would typically be a face-to-face appointment or an actual phone conversation.


Step 1: Search Criteria

The first step of the Wizard is to tell Advisors Assistant the date range you're searching, and if you'd like to limit the  search to one Name Type.

1.Select the date option. You can select one of the 3 date options listed, or you can enter any date using the Since option.
2.If you wish to limit the report to one type of name, select the Type code from the list. If you leave it at the default setting it will search your entire database for any name with no Personal Contact.
3.Click Next to move to the next step.

See Also