When you sign up for AAMobile, we will send you an email to enable you to register your device. The email will have step by step instructions.
Additional Security
The email can only be used once. When a device is registered, the email is invalidated. A device can be manually registered by keying in the information, but using the same information to register a different device will automatically unregister the old device. This is important if a phone is lost. It will become unregistered when a new phone is registered.
In addition, only registered devices can access the login screen. If someone just goes to the website, they will only see the device registration screen and would need to have all three fields exactly right to get to the database login. Then they would need the User ID and strong password to get to the database.
When you register your device, you will see that one of the fields is so long that it is difficult to type it in if you were looking at it. This is the reason we have automated the process with an email.
You should receive the email on the device you wish to register so that the public key and database id will be filled in automatically for you. The public key is so long and complicated that it is very difficult to fill it in manually.
Registration Email With Link To Public Key
Click on the link as shown above. You should click on the link from the device you wish to register.
Registration Email With Mobile Key
Just follow the steps outlined in the email and your device will automatically go to your registration screen in your device's browser.
The Registration Screen
Clicking on the link in the email automatically loads your browser and takes you to the Registration Screen.
You only see this screen on initial registration or re-registration.
All three of the above fields are needed to register a device to even get to the database login screen. Registration is only required one time.
Your Initial Login
When you click on the Register Device Button, the system will take you to your initial login screen.
Often your browser will ask you if you want to save your password. This is not recommended. Saving your password could compromise your security if you were to lose your phone or device.
Login Screen for AAMobile
Use your normal User Name and Password to log in. You are accessing the same database as you do from the office.
If you do not access the database for about 30 minutes, you will need to log in again. If you have to log in again, it's a good idea to refresh the login screen before entering data.
Since AAMobile runs in your browser, the best way to access it is to bookmark it in the browser.
Add the Login Page as a bookmark
You can also put an icon on your home page, but accessing by this method can cause problems return to the AAMobile page from phone operations such as dialing, emailing, and mapping. This is a browser issue and has nothing to do with AAMobile itself.
Make your login Screen a favorite. That's the easiest way to start AAMobile.
It's not a good idea to have your browser save your password for AAMobile because if you lose your phone, your security can be compromised. |