Add User Wizard Step 2

You can access this screen from Step 1 or Step 3 of the Wizard

Now that you have chosen the person to elevate to user status, this is where you enter the basic login information.

Basic User Login Information

Basic User Login Information

User Name

When you chose the name, this field is filled in for you with the user's first and last name. You can modify it here.

User Initials

User initials must be unique.  We don't recommend less than 3 characters. You can add up to 6 characters.  User initials are used to identify who added or changed a record when you see the Information Icon at the bottom right of a screen.

You don't have to use the actual initials.

Examples of User Initials





Login ID

This is the Login Name.  The user's password is entered in a later step.

Examples of Login Names




Mobile Access Enabled

This applies only to Hosted Systems who have elected to use AAMobile.  Clicking here will enable access to AAMobile.

Mobile Access Limited

This option provides access to AAMobile, but the user can only make changes to their notes and their calendar.  It provides limited access and is usually used when almost all entry is centrally controlled.

See Also