TradeWarrior Export

TradeWarrior is a rebalancing software product produced by TradeWarrior, Inc.

You can designate accounts to be exported for TradeWarrior import by checking the Partner Export box on the Modify Accounts Screen.

When you choose the TradeWarrior Export from the drop down list of exports, Advisors Assistant will only export those accounts which have the Partner Export box checked, REGARDLESS of the number of accounts selected.  You must have predesignated the account.

To export to TradeWarrior.

1.Designate the accounts for Partner Export on the Modify Account Details Screen.

2.Using the Client Selection Reports, select Partner Export Yes on the Investment Tab in the Investment Section of the screen.

3.On the Selection Reports Menu, choose the Export Button.

4.For the File Format, choose TradeWarrior.

Single Client Export

You can also the accounts for just one client by clicking on the TradeWarrior logo from the partner section of the Sidebar Menu.  However, you must be on a View Client With Investments or View Client With Accounts Screen

Storage Location of File

Remember where you store the file so that you can import it with the TradeWarrior Software.

Recalculation Of Values

During the export, Advisors Assistant will recalculate market values based on yesterday's close or the closest price available prior to that close.  This calculation could take several minutes, depending on the number of accounts being sent.

The values are recalculated to the pricing for the close of business yesterday.  It does not use the Calculate To date on the View Screen because TradeWarrior is a rebalance program and works based on the latest information.

Before You Send Data To TradeWarrior

Please use the Analyze Investment Data in the Investment Utilities section to check the logic of the data before exporting.  After years, you may have some data issues that should be fixed before exporting. This utility and the help associated with it will help you resolve those issues.

See Also