From the Client Details Screen, Scroll down (if necessary) to see Investments and Insurance. Then click on Investment Accounts.
Getting Investment Information
Depending on your device and the height of its screen, you may need to scroll down to see if there are any Investment Accounts or Policies associated with the Client.
Top & Bottom of Client Detail Screen
Click on the accounts section to see a list of the accounts.
Note: You cannot edit investment data from AAMobile, but you can update values to the latest prices stored in Advisors Assistant. If the Office has downloaded new values and they have not been recalculated, you can recalculate the account(s).
View Accounts Listing
After you click on the accounts, you will see the Accounts listing below.
Tap on an account to drill down to its assets.
Recalculating Account Values
AAMobile will show the values that are in your database. If the values need to be updated, you can scroll down to recalculate all of the accounts on this list.
Scroll down to see more information and the Recalculation Button.
To see more detail on the account, tap or click on the account you want to view.
See Also
Investments cannot be edited from AAMobile. Account notes can be edited in AAMobile. |