Organization Additional Details

From the View Contact Screen, click on the Additional Details Bar


Because smaller screens don't lend themselves to high numbers of fields, some of the fields, such as Additional Name Types, and Social Networks that you may not access as often, are in their own expansion sections.

Click to Expand or Collapse
Additional Details with Social Media

When you fill in a social media address, the icon on the View Client Screen will turn from grayscale to a colored logo.

Additional Types

Click on the field to drop down the list of Name Types.

To delete an Additional Type, click on the X next to the Type.

Social Media Addresses

For Social Media links, do not use the entire address.  Only use the ID.  Examples of various ID's are shown below.

Click to Expand or Collapse
Social Media Examples

Facebook ID

An example of only using the Facebook ID is:

Facebook Example


Click to Expand or Collapse
Facebook Example

Linkedin ID

Linkedin uses slightly different ID's for individuals vs companies

Linkedin Individual Example


Click to Expand or Collapse
Linkedin Individual Example

Linkedin Company Example


Click to Expand or Collapse
Linkedin Company Example

Twitter ID

An example of a Twitter ID is shown below:

Twitter Example:


Click to Expand or Collapse
Twitter Example

Google+ ID

Google+ ID's begin with the "+" symbol.

Google + Example

The following example is provided with the user's permission.


Click to Expand or Collapse
Google+ Example

See Also


The social media icon turns to its color version when an address exists.  Otherwise it's grayscale.